Freedom to Choose
Freedom to Choose Cava bottle image

OEM or Aftermarket?

Freedom to Choose!

Exclusive purchase contracts? Ridiculously expensive prices? Why do I have to buy a piston-con rod assy when I only need the piston? I want only the valve plate gaskets, not the whole gasket kit!

At Ralco, we believe in giving our customers the freedom to choose the spare parts they want and need, not what the original equipment manufacturers (OEM) decide.

The aftermarket spare parts we supply is like the Cava Fonpinet we present our customers for Christmas for over 30 years: a terrific product at a fantastic price.

Cava Fonpinet

Artificial Intelligence (AI) maybe the future, even for aftermarket spare parts. But in the meantime, we use AI to highlight our company motto: why show borig pictures when we can show our spare parts in interesting locations to celebrate the seasons and international holidays?

A valve plate enjoying the beach in summer? Freedom to Choose!